
Wissenschaftliche Beiträge

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen

  1. Sethi A, Banerji S, Kaus T. Inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle repositioning: a retrospective analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jan 31. Mehr...
  2. Sethi A, Kaus T. Immediate Replacement of Single Teeth With Immediately Loaded Implants: Retrospective Analysis of a Clinical Case Series. Implant Dent. 2017 Feb;26(1):30-6. Mehr...
  3. Sethi A, Kaus T, Sharma N, Sochor P. Managing the edentulous mandible using recent technological developments: a case study. Prim Dent J. 2013;2(2):50-4. Mehr...
  4. Sethi A, Kaus T, Sharma N. Clinical record-keeping for monitoring treatment outcomes in implant dentistry: a case study. Prim Dent J. 2013;2(2):39-43. Mehr...
  5. Sethi A, Kaus T. Practical Implant Dentistry. The Science and Art. 2nd. ed London: Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd; 2012. Mehr...
  6. Sethi A, Sochor P, Kaus T. Dismantling Myths and Creating Realities. Identity. 2010(2):48-51.
  7. Sethi A, Kaus T. Bone Grafts from Extra-oral Sources, 14 Year Clinical Data. 2007; ICRPS, Charleston, SC, April 16-18, Poster presentation.
  8. Kaus T, Sethi A. Intra-oral Block Bone Grafts- viability and ethics of evidence. 2007; ICRPS, Charleston, SC, April 16-18, Poster presentation.
  9. Sethi A, Kaus T. Praktische Implantologie. Diagnostische, chirurgische, restaurative und technische Aspekte ästhetischer und funktioneller Harmonie. Berlin: Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH; 2006. Mehr...
  10. Sethi A, Kaus T. Practical Implant Dentistry. Diagnostic, Surgical, Restorative and Technical Aspects of Aesthetic and Functional Harmony. London: Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd; 2005. Mehr...
  11. Kaus T, Sethi A. Immediate Loading of Implants – Clinical and Technical Interface. QJTD. 2005;3(2):144-55.
  12. Ketabi AR, Kaus T, Herdach F, Groten M, Axmann-Krcmar D, Pröbster L, et al. Thirteen-year follow-up study of resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. Quintessence Int. 2004 May;35(5):407-10. Mehr... / Online Article
  13. Kaus T, Sethi A. Immediate placement and immediate loading of Ankylos implants placed into fresh extraction sockets. First results. 2004; AO 19th Meeting, San Francisco, Poster #38.
  14. Sethi A, Kaus T, Sochor P, Axmann-Krcmar D, Chanavaz M. Evolution of the concept of angulated abutments in implant dentistry: 14-year clinical data. Implant Dent. 2002;11(1):41-51. Mehr... / Online Article
  15. Sethi A, Kaus T. Ridge augmentation using mandibular block bone grafts: preliminary results of an ongoing prospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2001 May-Jun;16(3):378-88. Mehr... / Online Article
  16. Kaus T, Sethi A. Voraussagbare Ästhetik mit dentalen Implantaten – Abformung während der Implantatinsertion. ZWR. 2001;110(1/2):22-6.
  17. Sethi A, Kaus T, Sochor P. The use of angulated abutments in implant dentistry: five-year clinical results of an ongoing prospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2000 Nov-Dec; 15(6): 801-10. Mehr... Online Article
  18. Sethi A, Kaus T. Maxillary ridge expansion with simultaneous implant placement: 5-year results of an ongoing clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2000 Jul-Aug;15(4): 491-9. Mehr... / Online Article
  19. Schwaderer E, Bode A, Budach W, Claussen CD, Dammann F, Kaus T, et al. Soft-tissue stereolithographic model as an aid to brachytherapy. medica mundi. 2000; 44(1): 48-51. Free Online Article
  20. Ketabi A, Kaus T, Bergbreiter C, Pröbster L. 12-year follow-up study of silicoated resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. Int Poster J Dent Oral Med. 2000; 2(3): 46. Free Online – Text 
  21. Kaus T. Ästhetik in Prothetik und Implantologie 2000; 35. Bodenseetagung in Lindau.
  22. Kaus T, Jäger B, Mosgowi M. Dreiteiliges Lehrvideo “Einführung in die Aufwachstechnik nach Payne und Lundeen” Teil 1. Tübingen : ZDV Universität Tübingen, 1997.  Free Online Video – Part 1
  23. Kaus T, Jäger B, Mosgowi M. Dreiteiliges Lehrvideo “Einführung in die Aufwachstechnik nach Payne und Lundeen” Teil 2. Tübingen : ZDV Universität Tübingen, 1997.  Free Online Video – Part 2
  24. Kaus T, Jäger B, Mosgowi M. Dreiteiliges Lehrvideo “Einführung in die Aufwachstechnik nach Payne und Lundeen” Teil 3. Tübingen : ZDV Universität Tübingen, 1997. Free Online Video – Part 3
  25. Ketabi A, Kaus T, Bergbreiter C, Pröbster L. 12-Year Follow-up Study of Silicoated Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Dentures. J DentRes. 1999; 78-IADR Abstracts (Special Issue): 303 – #1579. Online Journal
  26. Kaus T, Bauer J, Schaich M, Grunert T, Claussen CD, Weber H. CT-Data Based Construction of a Surgical Template for Dental Implant Surgery. J DentRes. 1999; 78-IADR Abstracts(Special Issue):375 – #2153. Online Journal
  27. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H. Experiencia Clinica de larga duracion con estructuras de titanio revestidas de ceramica. El resultado de tres anos de un estudio prospectivo. Quintessence (edesp). 1998;11(2):85-91.
  28. Kaus T. Verbesserte klinische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Zahnersatzes durch neue Technologien. 1998; BZÄK Tübingen – Kreisversammlung – Biberach.
  29. Kaus T. Treatment of marginal defects around implants. 1998; EPA 22nd Conference, Turku, Finland.
  30. Kaus T. Titan – die Antwort auf noch offene prothetische Fragen bzw. Probleme. 1998; BZÄK Tübingen – Kreisversammlung Zollernalbkreis – Tailfingen.
  31. Kaus T. Adhäsivprothetik. Möglichkeiten und Bewährung. 1998; Fortbildungsabend – DGZPW Spezialist – Abt. Prothetik.
  32. Kaus T. Mukositis- oder Periimplantitisbehandlung. Konzepte zur Diagnostik und Therapie. 1998; Eugen Fröhlich Fonds, Tübingen.
  33. Schaich M, Bauer J, Kaus T, Grunert T, Liebich G, Huppert PE, et al., editors. CT Data Based Construction of a Dental Drilling Device. 1997; 4th International Workshop on RPT in Medicine and CAS – Erlangen, Germany.
  34. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H, editors. Ceramic Veneered Titanium Restorations – Four Year Results of a Clinical Follow-up Study. 1997; 7th Meeting of the ICP – Sliema, Malta.
  35. Kaus T, Engel E, Cornelius CP, Ehrenfeld M. Implantatprothetische Versorgung von Patienten nach Tumoroperation. ZMK. 1997;13(8): 23-4.
  36. Kaus T, Altvater A, Pröbster L. Die Drehkürette, ein Instrument zur Bearbeitung inserierter Implantate1997 1997; 27. Internationaler Jahreskongress der DGZI – Würzburg.
  37. Kaus T, Altvater A, Pröbster L. Implantoplasty with a rotatory curette. A profilometric and SEM analysis. JDentRes. 1997; 76 – IADR Abstracts (Special Issue): 144 – #1047. Online Journal
  38. Kaus T. Neues auf dem Gebiet des Zahnersatzes (Keramikkronen, Implantate, Veneers). 1997 1997; 32. Bodenseetagung in Lindau.
  39. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H. Clinical follow-up study of ceramic veneered titanium restorations–three-year results. Int J Prosthodont. 1996 Jan-Feb;9(1):9-15. Mehr... Online Article
  40. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H. Klinische Langzeiterfahrung mit keramisch verblendeten Titangerüsten – 3-Jahresergebnisse einer prospektiven Studie. Quintessenz. 1996;47(11): 1639-51. Mehr...
  41. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H. Studio di follow-up clinico di restauri in titanio rivestiti di ceramica – Risultati a tre anni. La Rivista Internazionale di Odontoiatria Protesica. 1996(1): 9-15.
  42. Kaus T, Benzing U. Machining accuracy of selected implant abutments. JDentRes. 1996;75 – IADR Abstracts (Special Issue): 184.
  43. Kaus T, Altvater A, Pröbster L. A rotatory curette for implantoplasty. An in vitro study. 1996; EPA-DGZPW Meeting – Tübingen.
  44. Bergbreiter C, Pröbster L, Kaus T. Nine-and-a-half year study of silicoated resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. JDentRes. 1996;75 – IADR Abstracts (Special Issue):165
  45. Benzing U, Kaus T. Vergleich der Herstellungstoleranzen ausgewählter Implantat-Abutments 1996; DGI-Frühjahrstagung – Aachen.
  46. Kaus T, Pröbster L, Weber H. Titankeramik – 3-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Titankeramik im klinischen Einsatz 1995; DGZPW-Jahrestagung 1995 – Rostock.
  47. Kaus T. Dental implants for rehabilitation of tumor patients, prosthodontic aspects 1995; AO Workshop – Techniques in Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery – Tübingen.
  48. Bauer J, Schaich M, Kaus T, Grunert T, Fleiter T, Niemaier R, et al. Erzeugung anatomischer Modelle durch Verarbeitung tomographischer Bilddaten mit einem CAD-System. Minimal Invasive Medizin. 1995; 4(6): 171-5.
  49. Bauer J, Kaus T, Grunert T, Schaich M, Fleiter T, Niemaier R, et al. CT-data based construction of a dental drilling device 1995; 5th European Congress on Dental and Maxillo-Facial Radiology.
  50. Bauer J, Grunert T, Schaich M, Niemaier R, Fleiter T, Kaus T. CT-data based Construction of a Dental Drilling Device 1995; Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR 95, Berlin, Germany.
  51. Schumacher KU, Pröbster L, Kaus T, Weber H. Prospective Study of Titanium-ceramic Restorations: One-year Results. JDentRes. 1993;72 – IADR Abstracts (Special Issue): 214.
  52. Kaus T, Pröbster L. Incidence of punctures in latex gloves used in a prosthetic department 1993; EPA-Meeting – Milan – 1993
  53. Bergbreiter C, Pröbster L, Kaus T. Seven-year clinical study of silicoated resin-bonded fixed partial dentures 1993; EPA-Meeting – Milan – 1993.
book 1

Practical Implant Dentistry: The Science and Art, Second Edition
Authors: Sethi, Ashok and Kaus, Thomas
Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd | ISBN:

This established textbook, written by clinicians for clinicians, presents evidence-based protocols and focuses on the technical skill and practical craftsmanship that are essential to predictable outcomes in implant placement, augmentation, and restoration.
Updated throughout, the book now features new sections on the use of cone beam imaging, computer-based diagnostics, and CAD/CAM restorative laboratory procedures. This book provides the perfect introduction to implantology with instruction to advance the skills and extend the clinical scope of every practitioner.